Akron Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center

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Complete Face Lift - and/or Necklift

Problem Areas:

  • Banding of the neck
  • Jowls
  • Loose skin around the face and neck

As we age our skin loses elasticity, wrinkles develop and facial tissues lose youthful fullness and start to sag, this process starts to occur as early as our thirties. A facelift, one of the most commonly performed procedures today, can provide a remarkable improvement to the appearance of the face. It is the ideal treatment for correcting a sagging jaw line, falling cheeks and a blunted neckline. Years ago, when facelifts first gained popularity, surgeons utilized methods that often left the face looking wind-blown or pulled.

Dr. Santin utilizes a conservative approach to facelifting which involves filling and restoring depleted areas to rejuvenate the face and project a more youthful and refreshed appearance. His experience and expertise have allowed him to focus on the face, achieving natural results. His facelifting methods utilize the safest techniques, and his artistic eye and precisely skilled surgical hands leave you looking 10 to 15 years younger without anyone being able to tell that you underwent a procedure.


Aging of the neck is usually a combination of loose skin and muscle as well as excess fat, resulting in the appearance of multiple chins or even what is fondly referred to as a turkey neck. Unfortunately, fat under the chin is often hereditary and may be unaffected by diet and exercise. A necklift can provide remarkable improvement in this area. Patients will often combine this procedure with a facelift to achieve overall rejuvenation.

A facelift can provide a remarkable improvement in your appearance. There are many methods to facelifting and advancements in this procedure have evolved significantly over the last ten years. Schedule a consultation to learn more about natural facelifting techniques.