Akron Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center

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Laser Skin - FAQ

What Is ActiveFX?

ActiveFX is a laser treatment used to effectively minimize fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration of the skin.

What Is DeepFX?

DeepFX is a laser treatment used to minimize deeper wrinkles and scars on the face, around the lips and eyes, on the upper chest, neck, hands and arms.

What Is TotalFX?

TotalFX combines the Active and Deep treatments to provide overall skin rejuvenation.

How Long Does The Procedure Take?

Generally, the procedure only lasts about 20 minutes. Dr. Santin generally schedules one hour to allow for intravenous sedation and recovery.

Does The Procedure Hurt?

While there may be some discomfort after the procedure, Dr. Santin will prescribe medication to ease this pain.

What Is The Downtime?

Patients are advised to remain out of the sun for one week after which, they can apply makeup and return to their normal routine.

How Long Until I See Results?

Most patients require just a single treatment. Continued improvement may be seen for up to six months.

Will I Have To Get This Done Again?

Although results vary, most patients who properly care for their skin after the procedure see the benefits lasting for several years.

How Long Does It Last?

The duration of the effects depends on what is treated and will be detailed in consultation.

Is There Much Scarring?

There is no real scarring with laser skin resurfacing.